5 best reasons to work out

5 best reasons to work out

by Sandy Reimer

Adding a daily workout to your routine can be a challenge at first, but once you make room in your life for a regular exercise there’s nothing that feels more natural. Trust us, you’ll even come to look forward to a once-a-day sweat!

To get you started, we're sharing our 5 best reasons to work out!

  1. More energy. This can seem counter-intuitive, but it’s true….spend energy working out and you’ll get more in return! How? Breaking a sweat raises your metabolism and increases production of the brain chemical dopamine, which helps you feel less tired. Be consistent with your workouts and you will feel the difference.
  1. Sleep better. Ideally you’re getting 8 hours of good quality sleep each night. When you move and stretch through full ranges of motion each day and release tension in the muscles your body will rest much easier.
  1. Be smarter. It’s proven: you actually build new brain cells while you work out. It happens during cardio. And it’s cool to know that by following a vigorous cardio workout you’ll actually perform better at work. Another reason to work out during your lunch – head back to the office and be a star!
  1. Be challenged. No better place than the gym to give yourself a challenge. When you succeed it’ll boost your confidence and take you to a whole new level. Try one new work out a week to push your limit, add a level or two on the elliptical, increase the speed on your one mile run or try a set of one-armed pushups!
  1. Because you can!  We have pretty amazing bodies. Work them and they get stronger. Run, jump, skip, dance, stretch, breathe…do it because you can and enjoy!

Are you ready to add a daily workout to your routine? Visit us at the YWCA Health + Fitness Centre and we'll help you get started in a fun, supportive environment!