Securities and stocks
How You Can Help

Donate Securities

Maximize your impact and eliminate capital gains tax by donating publicly listed securities to YWCA Metro Vancouver.

Why Donate Securities?

When you donate publicly listed stocks, bonds or mutual funds directly to YWCA Metro Vancouver, you will:  

  • Eliminate capital gains tax on the value of the donated securities
  • Reduce the tax you pay on your overall income
  • Support critical services that help promote women's personal and economic wellbeing, such as affordable housing, child care, employment and training programs, and much more. 


Download YWCA Securities Transfer Form

Financial planer shakes hand with clients

How to donate securities

1. Talk to your Financial Advisor

Consult your financial advisor to decide which investments will make the most financial and philanthropic impact. 

2. Complete the Transfer Form

Once you or your broker have completed the transfer form and you’ve signed it, it is ready to be submitted to your broker.

Note: If you use a “direct investing” account, please access their online resources to evaluate their donation process.  

3. Send a copy of the signed and completed Transfer Form as instructed in the PDF link.


Download YWCA Securities Transfer Form


This may only take 3-5 days but can take several weeks, so plan ahead.

Did you know?

Securities can also be a wonderful charitable gift as part of your will and estate planning.  

The benefit of donating publicly traded stocks and mutual funds through your will further reduces the tax impact on your estate. We encourage you to talk to a lawyer or financial advisor before finalizing your will. 


Learn more about legacy giving

Frequently Asked Questions

Account #8040150313 for YWCA Metro Vancouver held with RBC Dominion Securities Inc. 
Dealer 9190 Rep SCP 

Please work with your broker or financial planner to fill out the YWCA Securities Transfer form.

No. You can also donate without a broker via your financial institution/online platforms. However, a broker can normally help expedite the process as they will work with our office to ensure your donation is processed properly and in a timely manner. 

The value of the receipt will be determined by the Fair Market Value of the securities on the date the securities are received at our Brokerage account. 

The best time to donate is when you are ready to give. If you are interested in having a tax receipt for a specific tax year, please keep in mind that between December 1 and December 31 is the busiest time of year for donations of securities. We suggest additional time to ensure your donation arrives by the end of the calendar year. 

The measures to change the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) were not included in the second and final Budget 2023 implementation bill, Bill C-59. This exclusion means implementation of the new AMT regime is delayed*.

* While the information here related to AMT has been presented with all due care, YWCA Metro Vancouver does not warrant or represent that the information is free from errors or omission. Be sure to check with your financial advisor for the most recent advice on tax implications.

Yes. While the transfer itself is handled by our broker, by making us aware of the timing of your transfer, it allows us to ensure the process goes smoothly. This also ensures that we can issue a timely tax receipt.   

Contact us

For more information about donating securities to YWCA Metro Vancouver, please contact Kathy Lilyholm at 604 895 5851 or