CARF Accredits Our YWCA Employment Services Centres

CARF Accredits Our YWCA Employment Services Centres

by Marina Arnaud

The YWCA Employment Services Centres have been awarded a three-year CARF accreditation – the highest level of accreditation that can be given to an organization. 

By pursuing and achieving accreditation, the YWCA Metro Vancouver has demonstrated that it meets international standards by offering client-centered services that address the unique needs of each person served.

To achieve CARF accreditation, YWCA Employment Services Centres went through a rigorous peer review process. The Centres demonstrated to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit their commitment to offering programs and services that are measurable, accountable, and of the highest quality.

According to Braden Ricketts (Manager, CARF), who led the accreditation process across the YWCA Employment Centres, “The process of preparing for accreditation has been a beneficial exercise for our department and organization. Through the accreditation, we found efficiencies that were utilized in some locations but not others. This allowed us to ensure consistent practices were being implemented across all of our locations. This accreditation process has provided a platform for us to discuss quality improvement with our management team and understand that quality improvement is a continuous process that we have integrated into our program evaluations.”

From the CARF report: 

It takes an extraordinary effort to achieve the outcomes that have been realized at YWCA, yet it appears that such effort is commonplace in the organization. The cooperative nature of YWCA and extra unfunded supports allow for the positive outcomes for the clients that are documented. YWCA is recognized for its achievements in obtaining employment for the clients and for the leadership with other organizations it works with.

CARF is an independent, nonprofit accrediting body whose mission is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services through a consultative accreditation process and continuous improvement services that center on enhancing the lives of persons served.

Braden Rickets, Manager CARF & Carolyn Neilson, VP Employment Services

Braden Rickets, Manager CARF & Carolyn Neilson, VP Employment Services

If you’re looking for services and support in your job search, visit one of our WorkBC Centres to get started. All our employment services are FREE.