The Magic of Group Fitness
Since the YWCA Health + Fitness’ early beginnings, group fitness has been a pillar of our programming. In 1915, the YWCA offered a variety of physical training classes for women, a grass hockey club and a girls’ basketball team.
In 1968, cardiovascular exercise was suggested to improve health and prevent disease, so Jazzercise and aerobic dance came to life. The combination of dance and aerobic movements allowed for socializing, creativity, variety and a lot of fun! As time went by, resistance training was added into group fitness and workouts like Step Aerobics, Zumba and Cycling became huge hits.
Today, people are looking to get stronger while practicing mindfulness. They want to slow down and work out smarter – feeling the burn is no longer the only goal. Strength training such as HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and flexibility training such as Yoga or Pilates have become favourites. And we are so grateful for the generosity of volunteer instructors who make it all possible.
Anyone from any background can access group fitness—something our members appreciate. Brenda comments, “I'm very new to the facility and already loving the diverse fitness options. I attend at least one group fitness class every day and enjoy them very much. The online booking system is a great way to plan out my workouts for the week.” Sam adds, “the Aquafit instructors are excellent, and the classes are fun!”
Members can book up to seven days in advance via our YWCA Health + Fitness mobile app and there is no limit to the number of class bookings; drop-ins are permitted if space is available. Members can also check out our YWCA Health + Fitness Fit on Demand Vimeo channel to work out at home. Visit our mobile app to retrieve the password to get access to the videos.
We are also excited to announce our Group Fitness Party in the new year. We will gather and celebrate all the talented and motivating instructors who have ever taught at YWCA Metro Vancouver. If this includes you, please contact us at comments@ywcavan.org for more information.
To join the Health + Fitness Centre for fitness classes or to work out in the gym, contact memberservices@ywcavan.org| 604 895 5777.