Diverse people talking and working together
Programs & Services

Essential Work Skills for Newcomers Program

Essential Work Skills for Newcomers Program is a free 4-week program that supports newcomers to gain knowledge and skills to succeed in the Canadian workforce.

  • Learn about Canadian workplace culture

  • Gain essential skills for success in Canada

  • Find out about community resources

  • Practice English reading, writing & speaking skills

  • Get tips to manage workplace communication challenges

  • Grow your network in a supportive space

  • Participants must be case-managed clients from one of the following WorkBC centres:

    • Coquitlam

    • North Vancouver

    • Port Coquitlam

    • Port Moody

    • Vancouver Midtown East

    • Vancouver Midtown West

    • Vancouver South

  • Newcomers to Canada
  • Have English as an Additional Language. Able to participate in live workshop discussion in English, and complete basic reading and writing tasks
  • Be motivated to improve English skills (reading, writing, speaking) & understanding of essential skills to succeed at work
  • Have basic typing & computer skills
  • Available to attend program 2 - 3 hours per day (Monday - Friday) for 4 weeks (50 hours total)
  • Have access to a computer & stable internet. Clients can use the resource room at their WorkBC Centre as needed

Now accepting applications for July 22nd start date!

Talk with your WorkBC case manager to get registered for the program.

To learn more, visit essentialskills-workbc.myabsorb.ca


Essential Work Skills For Newcomers


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