For every NHL concussion, over 7,000 Canadian women, girls and gender diverse people suffer concussions by an intimate partner.
When we think of concussions, we think of sports. Over the past decade, athletes and advocates have helped us understand the seriousness of concussions, leading to more research, new safety protocols and standards for sports-related concussion treatment.
But there is another leading cause of concussions and traumatic brain injury in Canada.

Along with our partners, we’re calling for more research on intimate partner violence and traumatic brain injury, increased education among front-line responders and direct investments towards supportive services for people who have experienced concussion because of intimate partner violence.
Concussion awareness has led to incredible transformations in sport: equipment, funding, policy, rules of the game. It’s time to raise our voices in support of survivors of intimate partner violence.
Share this story on social media to help spotlight this issue.
Contextualize the story as part of much-needed funding, research and policy change at the provincial and federal levels.
Donate to YWCA Metro Vancouver’s safe and affordable housing and services to support survivors of intimate partner violence.
If you are in immediate danger, call 911
- Police/RCMP Emergency - 911
- bc211 for referrals to resources - 211
- Kids Help Phone - 1 800 668 6868
- VictimLINK (24hrs) - 1 800 563 0808
- Chimo Crisis Line (Richmond, 9:00am–12:00am) - 604 279 7070
- Crisis Centre (Greater Vancouver, 24 hrs) - 604 872 3311
- Fraser Health Crisis Line - 604 951 8855 or toll-free - 1 877 820 7444
- Greater Coquitlam Crisis and Information Line - 604 540 2221
- Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (after-hours and emergency line) - 604 660 3194
- Strangulation Clinic - 9634 King George Blvd Surrey, BC V3T 0G7 | 604 807 5406 | embraceclinic@fraserhealth.ca
- Surrey Women’s Centre Support Worker - 604 583 1295
- Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter - 604 872 8212
- Women Against Violence Against Women (24 hrs) - 604 255 6344 or toll-free 1 877 392 7583
- YWCA's Programs and Services for Survivors
- SOAR (Supporting Survivors of Abuse and Brain Injury through Research) is a multi-disciplinary, community-engaged, non-profit initiative based in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. We work with a variety of academic researchers and post-secondary institutions, and community partners to explore the intersection of BI and IPV, and apply scientific evidence to increase awareness and improve supports and services for survivors.
- Abused and Brain Injured - Understanding the Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury.