Support our work
The YWCA is working towards a future that is free from gender-based violence.
48% of women in BC reported experiencing any form of gender-based violence, including psychological, emotional, financial, physical or sexual (Source: Statscan).
Every day, people in our community face violence because of their gender, gender expression or gender identity. Gender-based violence is a whole of society crisis that requires immediate and collective action at all levels. Support our programs, services and advocacy by giving a gift today.
Support our
work to end
By donating today, you help us challenge harmful attitudes and social norms through public education and awareness building, while also advocating for systemic change and providing essential services to women and children leaving violence. Donate now!

Our other programs and services include
- Affordable long-term housing
- Short-term and transitional housing
- Support groups for women parenting alone
- Support for women leaving violence
- Free legal education
- Child care and early learning
- Youth education
- Mentorship
- Services for job seekers
- Crabtree Corner Community and Resource Centre
- And much, much more.