Turn your new year’s resolutions into meaningful goals
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Turn your new year’s resolutions into meaningful goals

by Heiky Kwan

January isn't through yet, but many of us have already put our new year’s resolutions on the back burner. We planned rigorous routines and attainable milestones to reach those goals, but despite our best efforts, it’s possible those plans for self-improvement have already fallen by the wayside. 

So why not make a different kind of resolution?

We at the YWCA Metro Vancouver want to encourage you to approach new year’s goals from a different angle. Why not become active citizens and engage in our communities? Maybe by helping others, we can also help ourselves. 

Giving back often leads to a greater sense of joy. Helping others make you feel good about yourself, becoming more aware of social issues make you feel more knowledgeable and engaging with others helps bring meaning, purpose and fulfillment into our lives. 

The journey can start small. Below are some ways you can make a difference:

Get informed

Pay attention to what’s happening in the world. Follow leaders you admire on social media, subscribe to blogs like ours, read the news and make it a priority to know what’s happening on a local and global level. It will open your eyes and expand your compassion.


You can give in small ways. Pay for a friend’s meal if they’re struggling, care for those who are less fortunate or sponsor a local family in need. You can also give your time by volunteering with a charity or organization you care about.

Make conscious choices

Buy consciously. Ditch the car for public transportation. Think about why and how and by what means you’re living your life. Does your choice help create a positive impact?

Speak out

Talk about things that are important to you. You can be a voice for yourself or those with less privilege and call out something you think should be changed. If someone is being bullied, for instance, intervene if you feel safe. Or, write an op-ed or blog about an issue you care about.

Be proactive

Tackle challenges constructively rather than complaining. Get involved in the decision-making process and help bring about positive change. You can speak to your local government representative or get involved with organizers in your community. 

Many of our staff at the YWCA Metro Vancouver gives back in different ways: Some of us volunteer our time at one of our child-care facilities, some of us lend our voices and our time on the YWCA Anti-Sexualization Task Force to raise awareness and bring about social change, some of us give and donate our resources.

Every little bit matters. Whether it’s a change in your perceptions and attitudes towards people in need, or learning more about the impact we have on the planet, or even simply setting an intention to get to know your neighbours, you can have a positive impact in your community.

Interested in volunteering with us at YWCA Metro Vancouver? Volunteer your time, your skills or your voice to help build better futures for women and their families across Metro Vancouver! For more information about volunteer opportunities for individuals, contact:

Mariko Ikeda
Coordinator, Volunteer Services
tel 604 895 5814