On December 6, 1989, fourteen women were murdered at L’Ecole Polytechnique. Twenty five years later, landmarks across Canada will Light the Night to remember them and remind Canadians that violence against women remains a broad-based social problem that requires a systemic response.

Science World and BC Place will shine red between December 4 – 6 to show support and solidarity for December 6, the National Day of Action on Violence against Women.
Over the past few months, we’ve seen high profile cases of abuse start important conversations about violence against women, creating greater awareness of the prevalence of violence in Canadian society.
At the YWCA, we see the consequences of violence on a daily basis, in lengthy waitlists for transitional housing and increasing demands for programs that support women experiencing violence.
What do you Say No To?
This December, we are asking you to encourage the men and boys in your lives to take the #ISayNoTo pledge and join local male leaders who have already signed on to show their support.

Join Michael McKnight, Fred Lee, Steve Butz, Mayor Gregor Robertson, Chief Constable Jim Chu, and others across Metro Vancouver in a social discussion on ending violence against women.
Take Action!
1. Encourage the men and boys in your life to take the #ISayNoTo pledge.
2. Take the pledge yourself.
3. Take a picture with your own #ISayNoTo statement and share it on Facebook and Twitter. Don't forget to tag us at @YWCAVan and use the #ISayNoTo hashtag!