Five best kept secrets for a successful career search
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Five best kept secrets for a successful career search

by Amy Juschka

Is the job search getting you down? 

We asked some of our YWCA WorkBC career advisors to dish on their best kept secrets for a successful career search. Here are our top five!

  1. Do your homework. 

Determine how your values, skills and experience fit with different occupations. Explore websites like Service Canada’s job bank or These sites will tell you about demand, wages, education programs and the skills required for specific jobs. This information will assist you to prepare for your job interviews, and it can help you match your skills and abilities to the job description. If you’ll need additional qualification, research the education, certification or training requirements to be hired in BC and then research which schools offer the training, their cost and success rate.

  1. Stay on top of labour market news.
  • Read local business journals to find out who’s on top in your industry. Pay attention to news of companies that are opening, growing or closing
  • Gather information from government and corporate websites to find occupation information from across Canada by city
  • Speak to people you know in the sector and read publications about the fields you are interested in
  1. Discover the hidden job market.

Have you heard of the hidden job market? Research tells us that close to 80% of jobs are never posted, but employers are always looking for good people. Conduct informational interviews with employers and employees in the career you are thinking of pursuing. This gives you clear insight into what the career is really like and allows you to network with potential employers that may hire you in the future when you are prepared to enter the career.

  1. Know what you’re worth.

Research pay scales for the occupations that capture your interest and match your skills. If you Google search “Canadian pay scales”, you’ll find a wide range of information on income. Then don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re worth!

  1. Know what meaningful work means to you. 

Explore your passion, identify a new direction and take action to create a career that motivates and excites you. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is important to me and the work I’ll do?
  • What are my values?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What do I have to offer?

Need help with any or all of the above steps? We can help you every step of the way!

Visit one of our YWCA WorkBC Centres, where you can access a range of FREE employment and career services, including:

  • Exclusive job postings
  • Personal employment planning
  • Computers and internet access
  • Scanning and photocopying
  • Workshops and training
  • Access to training funds