Advancing Women’s Participation and Prosperity in Metro Vancouver
A three-year project launched by YWCA Metro Vancouver this fall aims to improve the prosperity, security and participation of diverse women and girls by recommending increased use of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) in municipal policy and processes.
In Metro Vancouver, women make up more than half the population, but experience higher rates of poverty and gender-based violence, have lower incomes and less housing security. These systemic inequalities have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and disproportionately impact women facing intersecting forms of oppression related to race, language, gender identity, sexual orientation, (dis)ability and immigration status.
GBA+ is a critical tool for correcting systemic inequities and advancing gender equality as it ensures that gender and other identity factors are fully considered in government decision-making processes.
On a municipal level, GBA+ analysis includes everything from how a city conducts consultations, to infrastructure decisions, to government procurement practices. In Metro Vancouver, GBA+ is not practiced consistently across municipalities and this creates and allows equity issues to persist. This project aims to address that.
Over the coming 30 months, the YWCA hopes to work with up to 21 municipalities across Metro Vancouver to address discriminatory legislation, policies and practices that prevent women and girls from fully participating in social, political and economic spheres.
The project will run in four stages: an environmental scan; government outreach and engagement; community consultation and convening; and public engagement. Women and girls with lived experience will be engaged to influence pandemic recovery response. Relationships will be built between equity-seeking organizations and other stakeholders to strengthen the feminist movement and collaboratively advance gender equity.
What is Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)?
GBA+ is a process used to find out how diverse groups of people may experience policies and processes. The ‘plus’ refers to many other identifying factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, age and mental or physical disability.
GBA+ also takes into account the intersecting nature of these factors and how diversity can impact a person’s experience of public policy and process.
We are grateful to Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) Canada for funding this important project. For more information, contact Amy Juschka at ajuschka@ywcavan.org | 604 895 5810.