Moura Quayle

What Motivates Legacy Gifts to the YWCA? 

by Moura Quayle 

As a long-time supporter of the YWCA, I was motivated to make a legacy gift when I was in the process of updating my will after the death of my beloved husband, David Fushtey. I was re-thinking bequests and what they mean and what Dave might think would be important and appropriate.  

The first impetus for the gift was relationships – specifically the friendship that Dave and I had (and I continue to have) with former YWCA CEO and now Lieutenant Governor of BC, Janet Austin. As anyone who meets Janet knows, she is the epitome of warmth combined with steely resolve to change the world for the better.    

The YWCA also had a role in shaping my career. I was honoured by a Women of Distinction Award in 1992 for the work that I had done to shape the City of Vancouver Greenways Program. This Award made me realize how important it is for some academics to actually be “pracademics” – change-makers with a foot in the city and a foot at UBC (in my case).  The Women of Distinction Awards continue to this day as a vibrant reminder of women in action.   

I have always been attracted by the diversity of ways that the YWCA supports community – from health and fitness to support for single moms to critical housing needs and services for employment seekers.  Finally, I love the way the YWCA keeps evolving with the times and the needs of the community – as we meet the challenges of finding ways to respect equity, diversity and inclusion, the YWCA is there with new ideas.  

That is why I am confident that my legacy gift will help the YWCA continue to innovate and support us all. 

Photo credit: Paul H. Joseph / UBC Brand & Marketing 

If you would like to leave a legacy gift in your will or learn more about the Legacy Circle, contact JoAnne Fahr at | 604 895 5829 | or Arden Sutherland at | 604 895 5859.


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