Take Some Time For You
The past nineteen months have been challenging. The YWCA Health + Fitness Centre has been a wellness sanctuary for many, and members have appreciated our safety protocols, clean facility, friendly staff and the opportunity to stay connected to their fitness community.
Yet for many, day-to-day routines have changed and getting to the gym regularly can be a challenge. Add that to working from home and the “pandemic flux,” people are feeling burnt out, exhausted and ready for a change.
Setting regular routines is important for our overall well-being. As the weather turns to fall, it’s a good time to ask yourself:
What healthy habits of mine have gone by the wayside, and is it time to re-establish them?
Is there something missing that I want back, and how can I make it happen?
The thing to remember is that small steps add up, and to take it easy if you’re getting back into the swing of things. Here are a few things to consider.
Brain health is related to heart health. Plan time each day, or at least four times a week, to do activity that strengthens your heart, like walking, swimming, jogging, dance or a fitness class. Keeping it consistent but adding variety will help you stay on course, and will help improve your mental well-being.
Do something nice... for you. If you’re feeling down, make a list of all the things you like to do that bring you joy. Some examples include: a barefoot walk on the beach, enjoying a cup of tea with a friend, listening to music, watching the sunrise, tidying a closet, repotting a plant. Can you list fifty things that make you happy? Each day choose at least one thing from your list and complete it.
Connection is important. Making time for social connections will improve your outlook and overall well-being. The Health + Fitness Centre is a great place to nourish relationships. What’s better than getting exercise in with a friend, and then having a cup of tea after? We have just resumed aqua classes in the pool and it is wonderful to see members re-connecting while they exercise after all this time away.
We all need a little boost these days, and even small things can make a big difference.
To join the Health + Fitness Centre for fitness classes, to book time in the pool or to work out in the gym, contact memberservices@ywcavan.org | 604 895 5777.