The Next 125 Ambassador, Diana Chan
What is your favourite thing about the YWCA? What area of the organization’s work is most important to you?
The holistic approach to supporting the diversity of the women that the YWCA serves. The integrated approach of addressing shelter, economic security, health – mental and physical – child care, education and providing a network of peers and aid.
What really stands out for me is the legal access the YWCA provides. Addressing barriers, including systemic prejudices, is one of the main reasons behind the incredible impact the YWCA has on the lives of women and women-led households across Metro Vancouver.
What drew you in to the YWCA?
Many are introduced to the YWCA through the amazing Women of Distinction event, which recognizes the leadership and success of women in our community. This was also my introduction - however it was the stories that I have had the honour of hearing, of the women and clients whose lives have been changed through the YWCA. The courageous and inspiring women who are willing to share their trauma, their heartbreak and their strength to showcase what the YWCA provides are reasons I joined the Board, am an Inner Circle and Legacy Circle member and continue to promote the incredible and much needed work of the YWCA.
What value does the YWCA hold for future generations?
The value that stands out the most for me is the important work that the YWCA does for gender equality, truth and reconciliation and early childhood education. These are incredibly important for our future as a community and a country. The comprehensive approach used by the YWCA to break down barriers, creating systemic change and empowering women are critical to our future and the many generations to follow.
Why are you committed to The Next 125 and what does involvement in this initiative mean to you?
My commitment to The Next 125 is to help secure reserve funding so the YWCA can intensify its efforts and achievements to continue to make a difference in the lives of women and their children. Having served as a Director of the Board, I know what the incredible team at the YWCA is capable of and to support those efforts is a privilege I intend to use wisely.
To learn more about The Next 125, please visit ywcavan.org/next-125.