Resources for Children
Crabtree Corner offers programs that support children’s development and that help them prepare to enter school.
Crabtree Corner Early Learning and Child Care Centre provides free, licensed, short-term early learning and care for children, available by booking. Other programs are designed to encourage literacy, developmental growth and family connection.
Child Care
Crabtree Corner Early Learning and Child Care Centre provides free, licensed, short-term early learning and care for children, available by booking. The centre offers free care for up to 12 days per month for 24 children aged six weeks to five years.
Includes outdoor play space, disposable diapers, morning and afternoon snacks, including a hot lunch with milk, blankets and cribs for naps and field trips for preschool-aged children. There is space for stroller storage.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Reservations for the following week are taken by phone only, each Wednesday.
Please call 604 216 1655 between 1:00pm-1:30pm to reserve your child’s spot. After 1:30pm, please call 604 216 1650.
Books, Bags and Babies
Books, Bags and Babies is an early literacy program that welcomes caregivers and children.
It incorporates Indigenous storytelling, crafts and cultural teachings to encourage early childhood literacy and strengthen family bonds.
8-10 Thursday sessions a cycle, two cycles a year.
For more information, contact:
Nicole Smith at nsmith@ywcavan.org | 604 216 1674 (will be checked every other week)
or Yoshiko Carpio at ycarpio@ywcavan.org | 604 216 1658
Music Together
Music Together is a weekly mother and child activity group that connects families through music. Activities are inclusive and suit children of diverse ages and abilities.
Each week, 12 families come together to sing, learn to play instruments, listen to music and dance.
Winter, spring and summer term will be held online.
For more information, contact:
Sarahi Ramirez
sramirez@ywcavan.org | 604 216 1667 (will be checked every other week).
FASD Key Worker
The FASD Key Worker provides support for families and children who have been diagnosed with, or show signs of experiencing, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder or similar neurological conditions.
The FASD Key Worker assists in developing strategies for supporting children and youth at various developmental stages, helps families maintain and enhance stability and provides advocacy, outreach and educational workshops.
AIDP Consultants
The Aboriginal Infant Development Worker provides support to Indigenous families whose children may be at risk of or have been diagnosed with a developmental delay.
The program is family-centred and provides culturally appropriate support services to Indigenous families with children under six years.
The program is delivered year-round on an ongoing basis.
For more information, contact:
April Beaver abeaver@ywcavan.org | 604 216 1674
or Lisa Brekka lbrekka@ywcavan.org | 604 216 1658

Resources for Families Managing FASD
Learn about our programs, supports and resources for children and their families who have been diagnosed with, or show signs of experiencing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.