External Crisis Resources for Survivors of Violence
If you have experienced violence, please know that you are not alone - and you don't have to go through it alone, either.
Remember that what happened is not your fault, and your safety is the most important thing to consider. If you are feeling unsafe, consider reaching out to someone you trust for support.
If you are in immediate danger, call 911
- Police/RCMP Emergency 911
- bc211 for referrals to resources 211
- BWSS Crisis Line 604-687-1867 Toll Free 1-855-687-1868
- VictimLINK (24hrs) 1 800 563 0808
- Chimo Crisis Line (Richmond, 9:00am–12:00am) 604 279 7070
- Kids Help Phone 1 800 668 6868
- Crisis Centre (Greater Vancouver, 24 hrs) 604 872 3311
- Greater Coquitlam Crisis and Information Line 604 540 2221
- Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (after-hours and emergency line) 604 660 3194
- Surrey Women’s Centre Support Worker 604 583 1295
- Fraser Health Crisis Line 604-951-8855 or toll free 1 877 820 7444
- Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter 604 872 8212
- Women Against Violence Against Women (24 hrs) 604 255 6344 or toll free 1 877 392 7583

Support For Women Who
Have Experienced Abuse
We support self-identifying women who have experienced violence in their relationships. Services include individual and group support, referrals, resources and information about the cycle and effects of abuse.
A guide for women facing domestic violence, including resources on transition houses, crisis lines and other support organizations for women leaving abuse.
Mothers Leaving Abusive Partners
A plain language guide primarily for women with children who are experiencing abuse by their intimate partner (such as a spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend). Available in English, French, Spanish, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Produced in collaboration with the Legal Services Society.
A booklet for front-line advocates and service providers with detailed information about how to help single women with children in Canada without legal status.
Court-Related Abuse and Harassment
A research report that documents how abusers use the legal system to continue to harass and abuse.