Woman Looking Hopeful
Programs & Services

Seeds of Independence

YWCA Seeds of Independence is an outreach program providing support to self-identifying women who have experienced abuse by an intimate partner and are no longer in that relationship.

What we do

We work with women and children who have exhausted crisis services and require longer-term support to rebuild safe, nurturing and supportive lives for themselves and their families. We can meet in person, by phone or over video.  

Our program helps individuals reclaim their independence and secure a brighter future after leaving abusive relationships. Seeds of Independence serves as a bridge, providing a support system to navigate the confusing, scary and often lonely path to a better future.

We help with: 

  • Safety planning
  • Finding and applying for affordable housing
  • Accessing income assistance 
  • Acting as a liaison between social workers and legal assistance
  • Navigating legal systems 
  • Emotional support
  • Referrals to relevant community resources
  • Accompanying individuals to court and other appointments 
Am I eligible?

You are eligible for this program if you: 

  • Self-identify as a woman 
  • Have experienced some form of abuse in an intimate relationship, including relationships with romantic partners, parents or caregivers, and are completely separated from that relationship 
  • Live in Surrey, Langley, White Rock or New Westminster

For more information, contact Nina Leontowicz, Seeds of Independence Support Worker, at nleontowicz@ywcavan.org or 604-313-6456.