Crabtree's Violence Prevention Resources
Crabtree Corner offers programs, support and services to women who have experienced abuse or violence in a relationship. We also provide connections to affordable housing, legal support and education, emotional support and safety planning.
If you're in immediate danger or seriously injured, call 911. These resources and helplines are also available to you if you are in a crisis.
YWCA Reflections & Connections
A ten-week information and support group for self-identifying women who have experienced abuse by an intimate partner.
Three cycles per year. Currently online via Zoom.
For more information contact:
Heidi Woodley
hwoodley@ywcavan.org | 604 216 1730
Violence Prevention Support Staff
One-to-one and group support for women living in Vancouver who have experienced abuse in an intimate relationship, including relationships with romantic partners, parents or caregivers.
Support can include:
- Emotional support
- Safety planning
- Finding affordable housing
- Accessing income assistance
- Navigating legal systems
- Accompaniments to court and other appointments